
New Stories & Upcoming Courses

New Stories & Upcoming Courses

Hey there friends, Martin here!

Today, I’d like to tell you a little bit about what I’m currently working on. Apart from Heroes of Bronze, the majority of my time is currently devoted to a new, comprehensive course that I’m once again working on for And while my last course was a bit more technical, focusing on all sorts of ways to make environments in Blender, this time I am going to teach something different.

Heroes of Bronze & the future of the project

Heroes of Bronze & the future of the project

Hello friends!

after the release of the shortfilm, I finally enjoyed some rest. Also, I had some time to think about the future of the project. Already, I can tell you it will be an interesting year for Heroes of Bronze.

“The Memory” shortfilm is still going strong, with over 600 000 views and hundreds of comments. I am so glad that audience all over the world is enjoying the video! I’ll mention it again - SHARING and COMMENTING is the best way you can help the short film to spread. So thank you again for your help! 🤗 All the feedback just made me more eager to continue this project with more stories set in the Greco-Persian war period.