
Heroes of Bronze & the future of the project

Heroes of Bronze & the future of the project

Hello friends!

after the release of the shortfilm, I finally enjoyed some rest. Also, I had some time to think about the future of the project. Already, I can tell you it will be an interesting year for Heroes of Bronze.

“The Memory” shortfilm is still going strong, with over 600 000 views and hundreds of comments. I am so glad that audience all over the world is enjoying the video! I’ll mention it again - SHARING and COMMENTING is the best way you can help the short film to spread. So thank you again for your help! 🤗 All the feedback just made me more eager to continue this project with more stories set in the Greco-Persian war period.

September News! Acropolis, Tutorials and Livestream Collection Discount :-)

Whoa, the summer has flown by already and already September is here. Fortunately, I used the last two months to work on Heroes of Bronze as much as possible. Mostly, I finished up my Character Creator - IClone - Blender pipeline, with animations, facial performance and better looking shaders. I took the opportunity to introduce an exciting tool that came out recently for Character Creator - the SkinGen plugin, making automated skin texturing a real joy!

Connected to that topic, I also made a free tutorial where I explored how you can create your own clothing simulation directly in Blender, without any external tools.

Finally, my work on the ancient Acropolis of Athens, ca 500 BC, is coming together.  It is a slightly different city than most of us probably know from the time of Pericles. At around 500 BC it lacked both Parthenon, the magnificent statue of Athena, Propylae and other famous structures. These would only be built after the wars with the Persians. Instead, the Acropolis offered a view of two older doric temples. Still, even then it must have been a magnificent sight...

This still a wip model I was able to put together from my architectural assets and a bit of KitBash 3D. I used Cycles for rendering, Megascans and Grasswald for vegetation and World Creator for some background terrain generation :)


Last but not least, I was able to put together the first 10 livestreams, edit and polish them and put together into this Gumroad package. It is 10 hours of content, detailing my workflows, tips and tricks, Blender, Substance Painter, Photoshop and Character Creator pipeline. Just for you, followers of the blog, you can now get it 50% off with the coupon code: “hoblivestreams110” :-)

Also, as a small teaser, have a look at this image - and know that soon, I will do a tutorial on how I made the beard and hair for this character in Blender.


Enjoy the rest of the hot summer days, my friends!



Achieved Goals, New Livestream and 7000 Subscribers!

Great new everyone! Over at Patreon, thanks to a bunch of awesome people who decided to support the project financially, we have now crossed the $100 mark which means… regular once-a-month (and maybe more than that) livestreams! The latest livestream, where I celebrate this fact, happened last week and here’s a first part of its recording (second part coming soon):

Also, over at my Youtube channel, there is now more than 7000 subscribers! So awesome, I want to thank everybody for watching and being interested in the tutorials and the project itself. I am really happy that the project has grown like this in a span of a single year.

More stuff coming soon, so stay tuned!

